
This illustration follows the fairy tale of Thumbelina. A very tiny girl is abducted from her home by some an old toad. The old toad intends to marry Thumbelina to her eldest son, so the toads trap the small girl on a lily pad as they prepare a home for the couple to live in. Thumbelina is eventually saved from this terrible fate by some small fish, who take pity on her and swim her away to (relative) safety.serena malyon thumbelina Why are fairy tales so creepy?

Bonus: a picture of my workspace. My cat loves to be the centre of attention.cat_workinprogress

 Copyright Serena Malyon 2015

FFWD – Bikebike cover!

This week I was asked to do a cover for our local magazine FFWD! This issue focuses on fun biking things to do in Calgary  this summer, and the cover is about Bikebike’s full moon ride. Its an event where cycling enthusiasts get together and ride at night, and afterwards it looks like they have a campfire picnic. I had a tough time with the colours on this one, but I think it came out really nicely. Its always tough designing an image that’s going to be printed on newsprint, as lots of the contrast gets lost.

serena malyon ffwd magazine bikbike midnight ride

I hope you like it, please pick up an issue today! FFWD is a great magazine and the bike issue should be lots of fun.

 Copyright Serena Malyon 2015