Portraits from IMC 2015

Since returning from IMC 2015, I’ve working on little thank you cards for some of the instructors at the workshop. I painted them for all of the faculty who I got to know, or who heavily influenced me that week. I also painted them for the guests who gave me portfolio reviews, all of which were extremely helpful. I feel terribly guilty for not including everyone in this, so I’m very sorry if you’re not one of the portraits. I certainly appreciated all of the faculty and guests who came in, and I look forward to seeing you all again.

Here’s how it works: for all of the instructors, I merged (bastardized) their styles with my own, which is why many of these won’t look like my usual work. The portfolio review guests got their portraits in my usual style.

*There are one or two of these that I had to copy directly from photographs, apologies to the original photographers. These are (obviously) not for sale and are just meant as personalized thank yous.

Rebecca Guay

Rebecca Guay


Allen Spiegel


Greg Manchess


Irene Gallo


Jon Schindehette

Greg Ruth

Greg Ruth


Scott Fischer – no starfish, extra starch


Donato Giancola – sorry about this one


Dan Dos Santos


Lauren Panepinto


Mike Mignola

In Progress – 80s inspiration

Here’s a new personal piece I’m working on. Lately, my boyfriend and I have been watching lots and lots of horror and sci fi b-movies from the 70s and 80s. Terrorvision, Night of the Comet, Night of the Creeps, Creepshow, Return of the Living Dead II, Basket Case… the list goes on and on. One thing I’ve come to really appreciate is the ability of lighting to completely alter a once-boring urban landscape.

One common feature of these films is the significance of the neon light. Usually if there’s more than one neon light shining on a character, something exciting’s about to happen. Now here are some awesome examples of neon in film from the 70s and 80s:

Creepshow: every bad event can be predicted by the amount of neon in the shot.

Terrorvision: my favourite intentionally-cheesy horror movie. Please watch it.

Susperia: starring Jessica Harper (I love her) and neon lights.

Night of the Comet: a great example of how light changes a landscape.

How could I not be inspired?

Wild kids sketches

Some quick sketches of some forest-dwelling kids done for fun. Might do a quick illustration with these guys.

serena malyon illustration art children's book calgary artist

You won’t often see my pencil work, but I really do love the feel of it. Eventually I’ll find a way to successfully incorporate it into the final paintings.

Mog Stretching (?)

mog the cat illustration serena malyon art watercolour

One of the most delightful felines I’ve encountered, the lovely Mog. While I was in Dublin I had the pleasure of taking care of this tiny kitty for a couple of days, and she was very friendly and playful. She seems to like stretching her leg when she’s happy, so I drew her delightful pose. Terrible photograph, but I left the original with her awesome owners.


serena malyon illustration art doodle landscape watercolour fall autumn trees yellow red cabin alberta

Fall doesn’t last very long in Calgary, so I figured I’d paint it while I could. Its just a little doodle, but I loved the colours in it. This might be it for a while, I’m going to England and Ireland for two weeks and I won’t have any means of uploading my sketches. Once I get back I’ll upload some of them as well as some projects I’m working on.