The Sharknado Approaches…

Last week I received an email from the AD at Swerve, asking if I could pull off an illustration in a couple of days. As soon as he said that it was for a RiffTrax event where they would be tearing apart “Sharknado”, it was a done deal.

serena malyon illustration art calgary alberta swerve magazine calgary herald rifftrax sharknado

Now, I’d never seen Sharknado, but it certainly made waves last year, so I was intrigued. Lately my boyfriend and I have been watching lots of so-bad-its-good media lately. Lots of Troma, various Godzilla movies (I recommend Godzilla vs. Megalon), the Bachelorette… So I was well prepared to watch and process this movie. The movie was actually a little slow paced for me, probably perfectly timed for RiffTrax though, lots of opportunity for commentary! And lots of stupid, campy scenes to gawk at, and thats whats important in a Sharknado.