Watercolour Glazing


serena malyon illustration art

I just got several amazing books on watercolour and got this desperate urge to paint. So, I took a break from school projects tonight and decided to sit down and paint for a bit. I kept reading about watercolour painters using lots of glazes to develop their colours so I thought I’d try it out. Although I like the way it looks, I got a bit impatient by the end and just started applying straight colour like I usually do. I probably should have used a warm blue for the shadows instead of prussian blue which got the colours a bit muddy. Forgive the wrinkling of the paper, it was just done in my sketchbook.

The Rocky Horror Show Poster

serena malyon illustration design art

Here’s the final poster design for the Rocky Horror Show. This was a fun school project, as we were given the choice of what performance to promote in a poster. I went with what I knew: Rocky Horror. I tried to give the poster a different feel to the Rocky Horror posters that I’m used to, a bit more of an updated look and feel for today’s audience.