Black and white (update)

So for the past month I’ve been working on developing a good black and white style, mainly for use in book interiors. Its been a lot of trial and error (see my last several posts for examples), but I’ve found what I was looking for. Here are some little illustrations I just completed.

serena malyon illustration black and white art childrens book

beneath sand and rock pt.1

serena malyon illustration black and white art childrens book

beneath sand and rock pt.2

serena malyon illustration black and white art medieval cathedral monestary

the rocky cell

More to come in the next few days!

 Copyright Serena Malyon 2015

The Approaching Storm

Here’s the finished product from this work-in-progress post!

serena malyon illustration art calgary alberta fantasy woman watercolour

I’ll be writing a small life update post soon, but I also have a couple more black and white illustrations to upload in the next few days. I’ll talk to you soon!

Oh, and my store has a promotion on right now! Get free worldwide shipping on a bunch of my products until march 8th! Just click here!

 Copyright Serena Malyon 2015